Monday, August 25, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Wow, I haven't updated in awhile that is because I have been busy.
Here is a wrap up:
Monday 18th-Neighborhood Girls Night Out, we went to V.F. Pizza, it was fun, got home 10ish, much better than last time.
Wednesday 20th-actually went out to a site for work. Whoo big day!
Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd-we went back down to OC N.J., Hubby came with us this time. We had a great time!
Saturday 23rd-errands, clean, do wash. Purchased patio funiture. Painted the back wall in the family room. Oh and hubby got another new car.
Sunday 24th-Baby shower for a few good friends of mine.
Monday 25th-back to work, back to the old grind. Home Depot was already here delivering our decking, waiting for our contractor to get here to start working on the deck again and also waiting for the home warranty guy to get here a replace our big foyer window.

So that's what has been happening here in a nut shell!