Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sing, Sing a Song...

I finished my training for indoor cycling now all I have to do is get a program together a 45 minute program. I have most of the program done I just need songs now. I have a feeling iTunes is going to be my new best friend. I need some suggestions of songs that will motivate people, songs that you might work out to, songs that make you happy, or just make you want to get up and go. I need fast songs, slow songs, fast-slow songs anything you can gave me. So feel free to leave me a few of your favorite songs! I would really appreciate it!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuesday Chore

Every Tuesday I do the chore I hate the most...Grocery Shopping! I would rather stay home and scrub the toilets. I hate grocery shopping with a passion. You have to do 3 chores in 1. First clean out the fridge to be able to fit the new stuff, second go to the store and shop, third come home and put away all the food. Do all this with the help of a 1 1/2 year old! Believe it or not she does make it more enjoyable, more time consuming, but more enjoyable. Except for when the little old ladies start talking to her and sharing all of their fondest memories of their grandchildren. All I can do is stand there, shake my head and smile!
Today my little one decided to add another chore to my shopping trip. As I was unpacking the groceries putting things anyway in the pantry she decided to play with the spices, the garlic powder to be exact. She proceeds to open it and pour it all over the pantry floor! So I had to clear everything off the pantry floor and vacuum it all up. Now my whole downstairs smells like an Italian Restaurant!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pants on, Pants off

My sister called me hysterically laughing last night. She was shopping with her family, husband and two boys (6 year old, 2 year old). Her 6 year old decided to pull down the pants on all the mannequins, even the ones in the front window! Another shopper saw what he did as she was leaving she just smiled at him and said "I saw what you did". My sister had no idea what the lady was talking about. Then she realized what my nephew did. My poor nephew was so embarassed he started to cry, then he got mad at my sister because she was laughing so hard she wasn't able to console him. So not only do kids say the darnest things, they do the darnest things!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I Want To Ride My Bicycle

Tomorrow I am going to take the first step towards reaching a personal goal of mine. Ever since I was 12 years old I wanted to be a physical therapist or personal trainer. Of course life got in the way of this goal a few times. I haven't strayed too far from my goals I have been working as a medical assistant/clinical research coordinator for a family doctor for the past 10 years now. I like my job mostly because I get to help people reach their health goals or understand certain medical conditions better. So tomorrow I am taking a indoor cycling (spinning) workshop to became a trainer. I'm excited but a little nervous too. I think I would be better one on one trainer but this is a step in the right direction. I'm a little nervous about training 15 people at one time. I'm the kind of person that is shy in a group setting, but one on one I could talk your ear off. I motivate people through my actions not through cheerleading. That is what I'm most concerned about what if I can't motivate 15 people because I'm not a "Whoo Whoo You Can Do It" type of person"? We will see how tomorrow goes. I'll keep you posted on my progress!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Driveway Update

I was just outside and the paving guy came up to me and apologized for not getting to our driveway. I said "that's fine", I should have said "you better be sorry I was here first", he said "you'll be done by tuesday", I said "that's fine", I should have said "no get your guys who are up doing other driveways down here and do mine". But I didn't say either of these things and our driveway is still a bunch of rocks.
Then he went to my neighbors, no one answered the door. He yells over to me "do you know when they will be home?", I said "no". He said "well their car was here earlier" I said "yes I know but maybe they went out". So he continues on to the next neighbor's house, no one answers. He yells over to me again "do you know if she is home", I said "I don't know, she should be home". I should have said "what am I the neighborhood keeper"!
Yep and this is the guy who is going to pave my driveway!

I was here first...

Ok I'm going to sound like a 4 year old right now but I don't care. I just moved into a new development this past December. With it being cold in Decmeber the developer couldn't pave our driveway or rake/seed our yard. That was fine by me I rather wait and have it done in the warm weather I didn't want to chance it getting ruined or dying with the cold weather. Anyway now that the weather is breaking I am seeing the pavers and landscapers around but they aren't doing my house, they are doing everyone else's house. Come on...are you kidding me I was here first I have been here since December, John Doe's house you are working on just moved in last month! What made it worse was the other day, April 22nd to be exact, they were planting trees in the neighborhood. I thought to myself oh how perfect I'm going to get 2 trees for Earth Day! But no they ran out of trees when they got to my house! Seriously! It's not like we are the last house on the road we have 5 house down the street from us. Ugghhhh I'm so annoyed I just want everything done. My poor daughter and dog have been playing in the rocky driveway and dirt yard for months now.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Beautiful Day

I love spring time! It is already a beautiful day out. It is 9am and 64 degrees all sun not a cloud in the sky, by lunch it is suppose to be in the 70's and by 3pm it is suppose to be 80 degrees! I already have all my windows open and getting the fresh air inside. I work from home so it makes it easier for me to enjoy days like this. The only problem is my walking buddy is out of town!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

My husband and I just moved into a new development in December. Now that it is getting nice outside (mid 70's) we are starting to meet our new neighbors. It is very exciting. So far everyone seems really nice. I hope when I meet people I'm not coming off to strong though. I don't want to say too little and seem like I don't want anything to do with them but on the other hand I don't want to say too much and have people walking away saying "let's say away from her". Ahhhh the stress of meeting new people!

What's in a name...

So you are probably wondering why do I call myself "Crazy Caucasian"? I am a very outgoing person. I like being around people and just enjoying life. Plenty of people have told me I was "crazy". My one friend and old neighbor nick named me "crazy". I can't help it when I am having fun I tend to get a little I guess "Crazy"! Don't get me wrong I'm not annoyingly crazy, at least I don't think so.
Caucasian comes from me well...being your average Caucasian. Blond hair, blue eyes and fair skin.
I married outside my race, I married an Asian. I don't know if it is culture or just his family but they are not a huggable bunch. The way I was raised you hug and kiss to say "hi" and you hug and kiss when you say "bye". Even if you see the person everyday. I'm not talking about just your husband, I'm talking about your parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, etc.. Any way the first couple of times I met my husband's extended family I walked in to the house and go to hug them. You should have seen the fear in their eyes, how stiff their bodies became and as I got closer to them I could see in their eyes what were they comes that "CRAZY CAUCASIAN"! So that's how I came up with my name.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Heads or Tails

Trying to figure out if you are the crazy person and everyone else is normal is like flipping a coin. Heads-I am Crazy; Tails-I am Normal. That is how I have been feeling lately.

Let me try to explain. Every night I go to bed exhausted but as soon as my head hits the pillow BAM I'm wide awake and then my head starts filling up with all kinds of things. Things that make me lay awake and think or cry or just gets me down right pissed. So I thought to myself it is time to start a blog again. Time to start writing down all these thoughts to get them out of my head and hopefully be able to lay down and fall asleep at night!

Most of my thoughts are of my Mom. I lost my Mom to cancer 7 1/2 years ago. We had a wonderful relationship and I miss her terribly. I go to bed every night asking my Mom to come to me in my dreams. I just need to hear her, see her, hug her one more time. She died so young she was only 52 years old. My thoughts are usually sorrow and sadness for her missing so much of her life. She missed seeing me get married, she missed the birth of 3 grandchildren and all the birthdays. But lately I'm feeling anger towards her. I have been thinking how dare she leave us. Yes she did all she could, 2 years of chemo and surgery, and I love her for that but did she do enough? Why didn't she go to the doctors when she first started symptoms? Why did she ignore it? Didn't she love us enough to go and get it checked out? Was she too busy? Was she scared? Or was she telling me the truth when she said she just thought it was stress from helping plan my sisters wedding? I know anger is part of the mourning process but can you still be going through the mourning process after almost 8 years? Am I the only one that is taking this long getting over losing a loved one?