Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuesday Chore

Every Tuesday I do the chore I hate the most...Grocery Shopping! I would rather stay home and scrub the toilets. I hate grocery shopping with a passion. You have to do 3 chores in 1. First clean out the fridge to be able to fit the new stuff, second go to the store and shop, third come home and put away all the food. Do all this with the help of a 1 1/2 year old! Believe it or not she does make it more enjoyable, more time consuming, but more enjoyable. Except for when the little old ladies start talking to her and sharing all of their fondest memories of their grandchildren. All I can do is stand there, shake my head and smile!
Today my little one decided to add another chore to my shopping trip. As I was unpacking the groceries putting things anyway in the pantry she decided to play with the spices, the garlic powder to be exact. She proceeds to open it and pour it all over the pantry floor! So I had to clear everything off the pantry floor and vacuum it all up. Now my whole downstairs smells like an Italian Restaurant!