Friday, April 25, 2008

Driveway Update

I was just outside and the paving guy came up to me and apologized for not getting to our driveway. I said "that's fine", I should have said "you better be sorry I was here first", he said "you'll be done by tuesday", I said "that's fine", I should have said "no get your guys who are up doing other driveways down here and do mine". But I didn't say either of these things and our driveway is still a bunch of rocks.
Then he went to my neighbors, no one answered the door. He yells over to me "do you know when they will be home?", I said "no". He said "well their car was here earlier" I said "yes I know but maybe they went out". So he continues on to the next neighbor's house, no one answers. He yells over to me again "do you know if she is home", I said "I don't know, she should be home". I should have said "what am I the neighborhood keeper"!
Yep and this is the guy who is going to pave my driveway!


He and She said...

Someone needs to do a little ass-kickin' on your driveway dude! I'll be right over!

