Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What's in a name...

So you are probably wondering why do I call myself "Crazy Caucasian"? I am a very outgoing person. I like being around people and just enjoying life. Plenty of people have told me I was "crazy". My one friend and old neighbor nick named me "crazy". I can't help it when I am having fun I tend to get a little I guess "Crazy"! Don't get me wrong I'm not annoyingly crazy, at least I don't think so.
Caucasian comes from me well...being your average Caucasian. Blond hair, blue eyes and fair skin.
I married outside my race, I married an Asian. I don't know if it is culture or just his family but they are not a huggable bunch. The way I was raised you hug and kiss to say "hi" and you hug and kiss when you say "bye". Even if you see the person everyday. I'm not talking about just your husband, I'm talking about your parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, etc.. Any way the first couple of times I met my husband's extended family I walked in to the house and go to hug them. You should have seen the fear in their eyes, how stiff their bodies became and as I got closer to them I could see in their eyes what were they comes that "CRAZY CAUCASIAN"! So that's how I came up with my name.


Meeta Banerjee said...

Is this the crazy caucasian who used to be online a long time ago under a different pen ;)

If so its Meeta ;) if you remember me. If not, nice to meet you! either for the first time or again.

statia said...

Which is funny, because since having a baby, you've mellowed. Not in a bad way, but I think that's just the natural order of things.

I feel so old since having the Mini. Probably because I don't drink enough to deal with the constant head trauma I witness from having a "super toddler."