Thursday, July 24, 2008

1st Injection

I gave myself my first injection of Humira! I had no reactions, whoo hoo! It might take up to 2 weeks to kick in, but I'm feeling a little better already. But that also could be because I started a low dose of Prednisone just to settle things down until the Humira kicks in. Hopefully this medication will do the trick.

I wasn't scared or worried about giving myself the injection but I have to admit when I had the injection pen up against my leg I thought "wait a minute this is going to hurt". Did it ever! It didn't hurt getting pricked by the needle what hurt was the medication going in. It burnt like hell! It takes about 15 seconds to get the full dose in. OUCH! Now I have to look forward to that burn every other week. But if it helps I'm willing to put up with the hell burning medication. Keep your fingers crossed for me!