Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Last night was the neighborhood girls first ever Girls Night Out. We are still trying to get to know each other well last night we got to really know each other. OMG the stories that were shared. I didn't get home until after midnight. I haven't stayed out that late in a very long time. I haven't had 4 beers (Samuel Adams Summer Ale) in 4 hours in a very long time either. These girls can hang I had no idea that our first dinner out was going to be more or less a party!

Things I find out; my one neighbor is most likely going to buy a golf course, the other neighbor is on her 2nd pregnancy with IVF after 5 miscarriages, the other neighbor had her husband get snipped after their second child, and my other neighbor is more or less naked all day because she said it is easier to take care of a newborn when you don't have to worry about clothes getting in the way.
We all agree on what neighbors we aren't too sure of and the ones who we hope will join us next month for our second Girls Night Out. The good thing is it wasn't catty, that's one thing I hate when you have a bunch of girls together but everyone behaved themselves.

All in all it was a blast and probably the most fun I had in a long time. It was the first time I actually didn't worry about what my Little One and Hubby were doing at home. I felt completely like my old self just out having a good time. I guess that is what alcohol will do for you.

Well, I guess the one girl isn't too hung over after 4 glasses of red wine and 2 beers because I just saw her jogging down the road with her twins. Unless she is just trying to look good, ha ha!


Meeta Banerjee said...

girls nights are always fun...esp. ones filled with debauchery and drinking.