Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hurricane Season...

Last night we headed out to a friendly BBQ and to see some friends that were in town for the weekend. We all wanted to go to the TIKI Bar but decided we could make it just as much fun at someone's house. We had Steak, Chicken to eat and Hurricanes to drink! We left while the 3rd batch of Hurricane's were being made and it is probably a good thing we did.

Here's what was in a batch of Hurricanes:
8 oz Rum
8 oz Vodka
8 oz Gin
8 oz Triple Sec
8 oz Amaretto
16 oz Pineapple Juice
16 oz Grapefruit Juice

With all parties there are always thing your over hear. Here are just a few...I appreciate woman but I don't want to sleep with them...I haven't seen one of those things in 30 years...What Mexican doesn't mow the grass, I have a Mexican at home who doesn't mow our grass...What is Cape May...there is something in these that is going to smack me in the head later...
It was a good night!