Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Loooong Day

Whoo what a day! I should have known when the little Princess got up at 6:30am that it was going to be a very long day!
Then at 7:45am I notice my neighbor across the street run across the street to my other neighbors house who has newborn twins. I see her and the one baby outside on the porch (the other baby is still in the hospital), I think were is her husband, and then I see the neighbor who ran across the street go into her house. What the heck. All of a sudden here come fire trucks and police cars up the road into her driveway. At that point I tell my husband watch the girl I'm going to see if everything is ok. Here her carbon monoxide detectors were going off. Today was the first day her husband went back to work. The poor girl was a mess.
At 8:10am I am finally headed out to go to work knowing that I'm going to be 10 minutes late. To top off my morning my coffee was cold!
Wednesday's at the office are always exhausting for me because I'm trying to work and at the same time keep an eye on my Princess, who by the way is not a princess at work. She just isn't herself at the office, she is a totally different child then how she is at home. I guess she is just out of her norm, but by the time I get home on Wednesday nights I'm ready for bed! But the day doesn't end there. Wednesday nights my hubby plays golf so then I have to be a single Mom for the night after chasing after the Princess all day. Tonight wasn't too bad except that I'm fighting a cold or have really bad allergies. I haven't figured out what it is. I am leaning toward a cold since the little one just got over croup but I hate to admit that my immune system failed me again!
So that was my loooong day in a nut shell. Tomorrow should be a whole lot better since it is suppose to be sunny and warm. Plus I'll be working from home so someone will be in a better mood.
Oh by the way I spoke to my neighbor tonight and asked if her day got any better after the whole carbon monoxide scare. The builder came out to check the detectors and to see if it was just a bad wire, here they don't even have carbon monoxide detectors in their house it was their smoke detectors that were going off. Whoops!