Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Snot Every Where

My little Sweet Pea has croup! Yuck! It is probably the sickest she has been since she was born. I feel so bad the poor little girl. She has snot every where. When she sneezes she coughs at the same time and snot is every where, coming out her nose and out of her mouth. I feel like I have snot all over me. That's all I did today was wipe snot. She is even vomiting snot. Did I mention there is snot every where! Gross!

On a happy note she had her 18 month check up today. She is weighing in at 24 pounds which is in the 50th percentile. She is also 50% in height at 31 1/4". The doctor said she wasn't even going to talk to me about developmental stuff because she is obviously ahead for her age! I'm so proud of her!