Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bye Bye Buffett

Sadly since I will not be attending the Jimmy Buffett concert again this year I decided to change back to my old template. I am so bummed. I have been looking forward to this show since last year. I wasn't able to go last year because my little one just wasn't old enough for me to leave her all day with someone. And the year before I went and had a great time but I was pregnant so I couldn't have a really great time. So I was really looking forward to it this year.
Why aren't I going? Well I been having some stomach issues and the last place I want to be is at a concert were I will have to wait in a very long line to use a port-a-potty! Not going there. I haven't eaten since Sunday and it is suppose to be hot/humid 84 degrees on Saturday. Other reasons are my babysitter is also having stomach problems, she is taking care of her Mother who is bed ridden with sciatica pain and her high school friend's father died and his funeral is on Saturday. So I have lots of strikes not to go this year again.
Sorry, Jimmy I will miss you! Maybe next year!

"The weather is here, I wish you were beautiful"