Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Let There Be Light...

Thanks to the storm last night Dave and I sat in the dark from 7:30pm until 2:30am. When I was a little girl I loved when the power went out, probably because I didn't have cable TV, AC, or Internet so if the power went out it was just another night except I got to light all the candles. So what did we do? We sat on the front porch for about an hour watching the storm, then came in and sat on the couch and looked at each other. Then I came up with a wonderful idea of watching DVD's on the laptop. So we watched a couple episodes of Two in a Half Men until the battery died. That's when I decided to go to bed. Which wasn't a great idea. It was so hot even with the windows open, then the neighbor down the street had a generator running, the dog was panting because she was so worked up and hot, then the little one woke up at 2am and came in to bed with us. At one point I woke up and the little one was laying sideways with her feet in hubby's back and head in my ribs. So needless to say the hubby and I didn't have a good night sleep at all.
All because the power went out.
I guess I should count myself as one of the lucky ones because there are people who still don't have electricity. Hubby went to work and got sent home because the whole office was out, and my boss called to tell me that I can't work because our office is without power too. So it was a day off in the middle of the week.