Friday, June 20, 2008

Summer Read #2

I finished my second book of the summer, "The Other Woman" by Jane Green. It was a very good read, 389 pages. The Other Woman is the Mother-In-Law. All of us girls who are married can relate to this book. We all feel inadequate and feel that we aren't good enough for Mommy's Little Boy.

The main character Ellie's alcoholic Mother dies when she is 13 years old and her Dad remarried and disconnected himself. She has been looking for a close-knit family, something she never had. When she meet Dan that is exactly what she got and more. Linda (Dan's Mother) was too involved, had an opinion for everything and intruded in their lives in every possible way. Of course to make it a good book things got really bad and Ellie had to do a lot of self discovery before things could turn around.

One of my favorite parts of the book was the Epilogue. I hate finishing a book because I hate not knowing what happens to everyone. Well this book had an Epilogue or a character wrap up. I got to read exactly what happens to everyone. So I finished this book and I wasn't as sad.

So now on to book #3. I'll let you know how that one is.