Monday, June 9, 2008

The Last Chapter

I hate when I get to the last chapter of a book. It is so sad to think the I'm almost done. I just finished a book last night. It was a book that I wasn't even planning on reading. I got it in the mail one day as a free gift from Steeple Hill publishers. I would have never bought it if I saw it in the book store but I figured I have nothing else to read so I might as well see how it is. Well, I was caught up in it immediately.
The book is called "A Mckaslin Homecoming" based in Montana. It is a wholesome heartwarming insprational romance. A 22 year old girl was taken away from her family by her mother when she was only 2 years old. As she grew up her mother told her she had no family and her father didn't want her. Turns out that her mother was lying to her, her whole life. The girl, Lauren's, long last grandmother contacted her and invited her home to meet her 3 older sisters, 1 one brother, and 2 step-sister's, her father and his new wife. She had a huge family that she didn't even know about. They all accepted her with open arms and loved her immediately, except her brother, Spence. Oh, of course she fell in love while she was there with a neighbor/family friend. Everything she had been looking for her whole life was right there in Montana.
It was such a good book. An easy read without too many details or main characters. And it was nice and short 240 pages. It was a nice weekend read!
Now thanks to my friend I have 4 more books to read! I'll let you know how they go.