Friday, June 6, 2008

What to do...

I have no idea what I feel like doing today. I know I should go to the gym but I just don't feel like it. So if I go I'm not going to get a good workout in because I really don't feel like being there. I like to go so Sweat Pea can go to daycare and play with other kids but is that a good enough reason to go?
Hubby asked me to go to Home Depot, my favorite store, NOT! I could do that this morning, wait until after nap time, or wait until he gets home from work and it will give us something to do after dinner.
It is just one of those days. I guess it because it has been such a long week or maybe because it is gloomy outside. I just don't have any umph! So if you have extra umph today please send it my way!
Happy Friday!