Monday, June 2, 2008

Can you see me now?

Ughhhhh! I went to the eye doctor tonight to get a quick contact lens check. Well quick it wasn't! 45 freakin' minutes! First the nurse or whatever she was took me back, then after waiting 20 minutes the doctor came in, and then I had to wait to order my lenses and pay. Finally I stood up and just blurted out "I have to go, I have been here for 45 minutes and I was told it was going to be a quick visit". I interrupted the receptionist helping another patient and was a complete b*itch! The thing is I really don't care. I'm so tired of waiting around being polite and not standing up for myself! So there eye doctor's office how do you like me now?!


Meeta Banerjee said...

yeah I always get annoyed with that. Especially the waiting in the room for hours thing. Luckily the last eye doctor I went to saw me and had me out in less than 30 minutes :)