Thursday, October 16, 2008

Where has time gone?

Wow, it's been 10 whole days since I wrote anything! I guess I don't have that much to say. Let's see what happened to me the past 10 days:

  • We celebrated Hubby's Birthday
  • Decorated outside/inside for Halloween
  • My neighbor invited us over for an awesome dinner
  • I finished painting the family room, finally
  • Helped Hubby organize and winterize the garage
  • Had a breakfast play date with a few of my neighbors and their kids
  • I babysat for both of my nephews
  • I planted alot of bulbs for the spring and help a friend plant her bulbs
  • Celebrated the birth of my friend's Baby Girl
  • Went out to dinner with some friends
  • Watched the Phillies win the series against the Dodgers
  • Going out tonight for the neighborhood Ladies Night
I think that is about all that has happened this week. So maybe I need have something to say I just didn't have time!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Little Mermaid

I just have to brag about my Little Mermaid. She did such an awesome job today at swim class, even the instructor commented on her swimming today. I was bursting with pride! She kicked, paddled, used the kick board, went under water, and did everything else I asked her to do all while laughing and having a great time! I don't know if it is because she slept until 7:45 this morning or that she is getting the hang of the class or a combo of both but I loved every minute of today's class! Thanks for letting me brag!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Tomorrow I have to do my colonoscopy! Yuck! I have to get one every other year! The worse part is not eating for 24 hours, that is like a life time to me. But I will do it, not for myself but for my daughter and husband.

I lost my Mom to colon cancer when she was 52 and I was 25. I do not want to do that to my family so I will do what I have to do to make sure that will never happen.

Ever since having my daughter I get more nervous about having colonoscopy's done. Before the only thing I worried about was whether or not my UC was under control, now I worry about if the doctor is going to find the dreaded "C" word. I don't want to put my daughter or my husband through what my family went through with my Mom. Since my Mom never went to the doctor's I don't know when her cancer started. It was diagnosed too late when she was 50. I am 33 now. My Mom and Great Uncle were both diagnosed with colon cancer when they were young, but my Grandfather wasn't diagnosed until when he was in his 80's. So what's that mean for me? I guess only time will tell and doing the preventative measures that I'm doing is what counts!

Do me a favor have something to eat for me today! Thanks!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Facebook Junkie

I joined facebook a couple weeks ago and completely neglected my blog. This facebook thing is crazy. I have connected with so many people from my past and the present. People from high school, college, old jobs, neighbors, and co-workers. I'm completely addicted! I'm a Facebook Junkie! Help me!

I first just wanted to see if my younger cousin was on it. I was just checking up on her. That's how it started because you can't go on looking for people unless you make a profile. So I made a profile no biggie. Now I have all kinds of friends, applications, games, messages, gifts, beer, happy hour and dodge balls getting aimed at me. I was also asked to be a Vampire and be in the MOB! What's that all about, I have no idea! Oh I did find my cousin, in case you were wondering, I can't see if she is doing OK because I can't go on her profile unless I'm her "friend" and that is a long story in itself.

I just wanted to let everyone know where I was. I didn't stop blogging, just started Facebook!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I'm Done...

I'm so sick and tired of myself, of my health and my body. I'm so tired of being the 1% that things happen to. I have been trying for 2 years now to get myself in control of my ulcerative colitis and rheumatoid arthritis with no luck. All the medications I try my body reacts in a negative way to them. I done! I don't know what else to do. I would love to know how it feels to wake up in the morning with no problems, no aches or pains, no headaches, and no stomach issues. I would love to be able to eat a salad, veggie's, fruit, popcorn or peanuts without having any problems afterwards. I just want to be healthy again. Why was I chosen to have both these disease's? What did I do wrong? I was a good girl and still am. I know there are people out there who have it worse than me, but there are a whole lot of people who are better off too who don't even deserve to be!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Girls Night...

The Fearsome Fivesome (as my husbands calls us) got together last night at my house for some snacks, drinks and chatter! It was a good time. Not as crazy as the first night we all got together. The one, J, is celebrating her youngest sons 1st birthday. L, is enjoying motherhood and going back to work. H, is getting ready or is ready to have her second baby. She has 2 months left. Lastly M, is also enjoying motherhood and getting ready to take the twins, who are 4 months old, on their first airplane trip to Florida! CRAZY! I couldn't even imagine what that trip is going to be like. She also shared with us that she used to have piercings that had to be taken out to breast feed! OUCH! Our next group outing with the whole neighborhood is Sept 18th.

Tonight is dinner with The Restaurant Club Girls. I know 2 girls nights in a row! I'm a wild and crazy girl this weekend. We are going to a local BYOB. This time there is going to be 8 of us! We're getting bigger, what started with 2 turned to 4 and now 8!

That's all for now.

Monday, September 8, 2008


This morning our Little One had her first swim class. They are called the Inia's. She did OK, she is fighting a cold so she was a little clingy. We sang songs in the water, swam, and played with some toys. Some of the skills the instructor wanted us to do were a little old for her, but by the end of November she said that the kids should be Ok with them. So let's hope. So far so good!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy You & Me Day!

Happy 7th Anniversary to my best friend and my husband!
Thank you for all the great years and here's to many more to come!
I Love You!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back to school

I hated the day after Labor Day my whole life. I hated knowing that I had to go back to school the next day. I hated the fact that all my free time was gone and filled up with school things to do. I feel so bad for all kids and teachers today! Today all traffic patterns will change with all the buses on the road and all the parents going to work later. Today summer is officially over!

On a good note today will mean the gym won't be as busy, or the grocery store!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Labor Day...

Hello 4 day weekend! This is a bitter sweet weekend it is great because there is an extra day added on, but it is sad because it is the last weekend of the summer! No more wearing white pants, shoes or carrying white purses after this weekend. We have a busy weekend ahead of us.
Today I'm busy cleaning and preparing for our BBQ tomorrow. Sunday we have 2 BBQ's to go to-our neighbors and our friends. Monday we have another friend who is having a BBQ! So it will be a good eating and drinking weekend!
What are your plans?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

To Do or Not To Do...

The other day I got a flyer in the mail to run a 1/2 Marathon in January for Chron's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. As soon as I saw it I immediately wanted to do it. I have done so many walks for all kinds of other causes but nothing for something I battle with every day. I think I would really love to do this, but now I'm making excuses. I would love hubby to do it with me, but that will make things even more difficult with The Girl. Who will watch The Girl when we have training sessions? Will I be able to do it? Will I be able to make all the training sessions? Will be body hold up to it with my Rheumatoid Arthritis? Who will watch The Girl while we are in Florida running this 1/2 Marathon? Will we be able to get enough sponsors and make enough money to get me down to Florida? Then I was thinking maybe we could get a good jogging stroller and have The Girl join us. I don't know what to do? Please help me. What would you do? Check out the website: Team Challenge

Monday, August 25, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Wow, I haven't updated in awhile that is because I have been busy.
Here is a wrap up:
Monday 18th-Neighborhood Girls Night Out, we went to V.F. Pizza, it was fun, got home 10ish, much better than last time.
Wednesday 20th-actually went out to a site for work. Whoo big day!
Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd-we went back down to OC N.J., Hubby came with us this time. We had a great time!
Saturday 23rd-errands, clean, do wash. Purchased patio funiture. Painted the back wall in the family room. Oh and hubby got another new car.
Sunday 24th-Baby shower for a few good friends of mine.
Monday 25th-back to work, back to the old grind. Home Depot was already here delivering our decking, waiting for our contractor to get here to start working on the deck again and also waiting for the home warranty guy to get here a replace our big foyer window.

So that's what has been happening here in a nut shell!

Monday, August 18, 2008

I had a bad day...

Yesterday was a bad day. It was probably my fault because I already had it in my mind that it was going to by a bad day. Hubby was gone all day, so as soon as I found that out my mind decided to have a bad day. Not that I need him home but I like him home with us especially on the weekends. After being with a 21 month old 24/7 it is nice to have another adult around. Not just for company but for help too. So that was the start to my Sunday, actually the start to my Sunday was a blood startling cry at 5:30am, and I had to spend the rest of the morning sleeping on the floor next to my daughter's crib. At 9:30am I decided to go shopping and get out of the house. Off I went to Kohl's and Marshall's. Well Marshall's didn't open until 11am so I had to head home before wanting to. No biggie we will just have lunch and go in for a nap. The nap only lasted for an hour, it is usually a good 2 to 3 hours. Since she got up early I decided to head back over to Marshall's. But this time I couldn't find my keys! I looked every where! I finally found them under the passenger's seat. I get us all packed up and close the garage door! Wait a minute the garage door wouldn't close. I checked the sensors everything looked fine but it isn't closing. So after hubby told me to just leave it open and get out of the house I decided to go. I didn't find anything shopping for myself, but got two cute bathing suits and 2 pairs of sneakers for the Princess. Then off to ACME we go because we found out that they sell EZ Pass. Well they didn't have any left there is a hold up in Harrisburg. No kidding, of course, why should something go my way. Then on my way around town I saw a nice corvette. I always notice them because my Mom always wanted a vet but never got one. Then weird thing is the license plate said "Bev's Vet" which was my Mom's name. So seeing that helped me, it was like a symbol telling me she is still with me. Any way for the rest of my day we went up to my sister's for dinner. I had a nice big frozen strawberry margarita. It was exactly what I needed. Gave the little one a bath at my sister's house, took a pair of PJ's from my nephew (batman) and off to home/bed we went. At least my day ended on a good note!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Deck Phase 1

Our deck is framed out! It is bigger then I was expecting. But then again we did get 2 feet more then was planned. Here the guy at home depot ordered 12 foot boards instead of 10 foot boards, so why waste 2 feet-add it on. The first deck is 10x12 with about 2x6 bump out for the grill. The second deck, which is 2 steps down from the first deck, is 16 x12 with the steps fanning out in front 2 more feet. The first deck party is already in the works!
The contractor is on vacation next week so now we have to wait for it to be finished until he gets home. I can't wait!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Painting Fools!

Hubby and I have been some crazy painters the past couple of weekends! Here is our new family room. Bonjour Beige with the accent color Haypenny. The kitchen was done twice the first color was just a little too bright and bold for us, Mayapple. Now it is a darker yellow, Sweet Maple. I'm still trying to get used to it. Hubby is calling it my French Bistro! It is just so nice to have some color on the walls!

Monday, August 11, 2008


You may have been wondering were I have been, well the Little One and I decided to take a mini vacation and go down to Ocean City, New Jersey with my sister and her boys. We had a blast! We left Wednesday packed up the car with all our luggage, 2 adults and 3 kids. We rocked out to Barenaked Ladies, Snacktime on the way down. We got there just in time for lunch. After lunch it was off to the beach. My Little One loved the sand, she wasn't too sure about the ocean. Then it was dinner time then off to the boardwalk. Thursday we went to the rides. The first ride was so so she hung on for dear life and looked terrified. But then the boys took her over to the big kids rides and she rode them with no problem. When I took her back to the little kid rides she looked so bored and pissed that I actually put her on the ride. It was so funny. Friday was an early day on the beach. Where we saw a whole school of dolphins swimming and playing in the ocean. My Little One even went in the water for a short time, she liked it better then she did on the first day. Maybe because it was a little warmer. After lunch we headed home. It was a quick trip but well worth it! We are planning another quick trip at the end of the month. I'll let you know how that one goes!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday At Last

I don't know what happened this week but it felt like it took forever to be over. I don't know if it was because I started it off wrong by going out until midnight on Monday night. Or if it is because my Little One has been spiking a fever off and on so we really haven't been out of the house. If it is because my one friend who I usually talk to all day via IM, email and phone wasn't home so my days went on forever. I don't know what the problem was but it is Friday at last! Hurray! Bring on the weekend!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Last night was the neighborhood girls first ever Girls Night Out. We are still trying to get to know each other well last night we got to really know each other. OMG the stories that were shared. I didn't get home until after midnight. I haven't stayed out that late in a very long time. I haven't had 4 beers (Samuel Adams Summer Ale) in 4 hours in a very long time either. These girls can hang I had no idea that our first dinner out was going to be more or less a party!

Things I find out; my one neighbor is most likely going to buy a golf course, the other neighbor is on her 2nd pregnancy with IVF after 5 miscarriages, the other neighbor had her husband get snipped after their second child, and my other neighbor is more or less naked all day because she said it is easier to take care of a newborn when you don't have to worry about clothes getting in the way.
We all agree on what neighbors we aren't too sure of and the ones who we hope will join us next month for our second Girls Night Out. The good thing is it wasn't catty, that's one thing I hate when you have a bunch of girls together but everyone behaved themselves.

All in all it was a blast and probably the most fun I had in a long time. It was the first time I actually didn't worry about what my Little One and Hubby were doing at home. I felt completely like my old self just out having a good time. I guess that is what alcohol will do for you.

Well, I guess the one girl isn't too hung over after 4 glasses of red wine and 2 beers because I just saw her jogging down the road with her twins. Unless she is just trying to look good, ha ha!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hurricane Season...

Last night we headed out to a friendly BBQ and to see some friends that were in town for the weekend. We all wanted to go to the TIKI Bar but decided we could make it just as much fun at someone's house. We had Steak, Chicken to eat and Hurricanes to drink! We left while the 3rd batch of Hurricane's were being made and it is probably a good thing we did.

Here's what was in a batch of Hurricanes:
8 oz Rum
8 oz Vodka
8 oz Gin
8 oz Triple Sec
8 oz Amaretto
16 oz Pineapple Juice
16 oz Grapefruit Juice

With all parties there are always thing your over hear. Here are just a few...I appreciate woman but I don't want to sleep with them...I haven't seen one of those things in 30 years...What Mexican doesn't mow the grass, I have a Mexican at home who doesn't mow our grass...What is Cape May...there is something in these that is going to smack me in the head later...
It was a good night!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

1st Injection

I gave myself my first injection of Humira! I had no reactions, whoo hoo! It might take up to 2 weeks to kick in, but I'm feeling a little better already. But that also could be because I started a low dose of Prednisone just to settle things down until the Humira kicks in. Hopefully this medication will do the trick.

I wasn't scared or worried about giving myself the injection but I have to admit when I had the injection pen up against my leg I thought "wait a minute this is going to hurt". Did it ever! It didn't hurt getting pricked by the needle what hurt was the medication going in. It burnt like hell! It takes about 15 seconds to get the full dose in. OUCH! Now I have to look forward to that burn every other week. But if it helps I'm willing to put up with the hell burning medication. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Monday, July 21, 2008


I am getting very frustrated and stressed which is not helping me at all. I told you before how I have to start Humira which is a self injectable. Well, I had to wait until the nurse came back from vacation, and for me to get the medication. I got the medication last Wednesday and still haven't been unable to get a hold of the nurse for an appointment. The first injection they like you to do in the office just in case there is a reaction. Since I had so many problems with Remicade I'm fine with that and I'm glad to go to the office. Why wouldn't I they have a cardiologist and pulmonologist right there is the same office and the hospital is a stones throw away. Any way, I called the nurse on Wednesday the minute I got my medication and was told by an answering machine that the doctor was out of the office and would return on Monday and that my call would be returned on Monday. I gave the nurse an hour or two in the morning then I called and left another message. I still haven't received a call. It wouldn't be a problem if it was just my rheumatoid arthritis acting up, but now my ulcerative colitis is acting up and I haven't been able to eat. Correction, I have been able to eat but I haven't been able to keep it inside me. I am so frustrated that I feel like just giving myself the injection and having the phone ready to call 911. I know it is a busy office and the nurse must have a bunch of things to do but all I need is a 5 minute phone call to tell me when to come in. I have an appointment with my RA doctor on Friday and now I'm worried that they are going to say let's just wait until then. NO WAY is all I have to say about that. I need my shot and need it now. I'm starting to sound and feel like a drug addict!

Trying again....

Well, I got another color to paint the kitchen. The first color isn't growing on me like I was hoping it would. The French's Classic Yellow Mustard must go! I got a color called Sweet Maple. It is still yellow but has more brown in it like I wanted in the first place. My hubby got a base color for the whole house called, Water Chestnut. It is a tan/brown color just a little darker then the white walls we have now. It should look good, better then white!
So that is what we will be doing this week. Fun times.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

First Pedicure

My Little One got her first pedicure today. No I didn't spend $30 to have it done, I did it myself. A Mother - Daughter bonding moment. We choose a very fitting color called "Jamaica Me Crazy"! So what do you think, how do our toes look?

Monday, July 14, 2008

Party, Party, Party...

What a weekend! Party, Party, Party! Drink, eat, talk, drink, eat, talk! That was our weekend. Buddha better run a lot this week to work it all off. He is not feeling very strong today, but then again he started drinking Friday night and didn't stop until last night at 11pm.

Saturday was my sister's annual Summer Bash. About 70 of their closest friends were there. It was a lot of fun. Our Little One had a blast. She got to jump in her first Moon Bounce. She loved it. I found out the next day that my sister was asked to have an affair by my bro-in-law's friend! Crazy, that stuff only happens in the movies. She said "NO" of course but it doesn't sound like this guy is going to take "No" for an answer, he told her that he was going to email her and make it happen. I'll keep you posted on that Creep!

Sunday was our neighborhood block party. It started at 1pm and we didn't get home until 11pm. It was a lot of fun. All the neighbors seem really nice. We (the neighbors next door to us and across the street from us) determined that we are the "West Side" and that we are better then who we termed "East Side" because we stayed out the longest. Fun was had by all but next block party better be on a Saturday. Surprisingly, it looks like everyone is up and out this morning.

Now back to reality, back to work, and back to normal living. No more parties.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Change your look, Not your sole

If anyone is looking for a belated birthday, Christmas, Easter present or just looking to buy me something just because, you can get me a pair of Switch Flops! How awesome are these flip flops, what a great idea, why didn't I think of it. What they are is a basic flip flop, but the thong fabric part is Velcro. What you do is take it off and switch it with a different color, different design for a completely different look and a different flip flop. How cool! All you need is one pair of flip flops for the whole summer! I love Flip Flops and these are just too perfect for me! I need a pair!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

$150 Big Ones

So I have to change medications, the Remicade just isn't working with my body or my body isn't accepting the Remicade. Whatever, I have to switch to Humeria. No biggie, I can handle giving myself an injection. I gave so many other people injections so I guess it is pay back time. I dropped my RX off at the pharmacy only to find out that it is going to cost $150 a month! YIKES! Yes, I have insurance. The insurance is actually paying $1300. I walked out of the pharmacy with the RX in hand and the medication still there. I'm going to try mail order. I know I can get it through the mail I just hope it is cheaper. I can handle $150 for 3 months better than 1 month. All this because I can't eat anything or move without pain. Ughhhh! To be young again, wait a minute, I am young!

Monday, July 7, 2008


I was held hostage this weekend! I was a Prisoner of the In-Laws! We had our nephew's 1st birthday party to go to. Which is fine because all 1st birthday's are fun. Who doesn't like seeing the the difference in the child in a year, the presents, the decorations and most importantly the child getting sugar for the first time and shoving handfuls of cake in their face! How could a 1st Birthday not be fun? When it is 5 hours long, that's how! We get there late too! From 3-5 were appetizers and hanging around, dinner was at 5, the birthday boy fell asleep so we couldn't have the cake until he woke up at 7pm! Then after that was the opening of the present. We didn't leave until after 8 o'clock! What the heck! Then we have to put up with all the dorky friends all day. I'm not joking, complete dorks. Here are some of the comments we heard: "What happened in this room, something detonated could it have been Osama Bin Toddler?" Then my nephew put his hand in the cake before even lighting the candles and we heard "I think that is premature smashalation"! Yes someone actually said those things I couldn't make them up if I wanted to! 5 hours we were there! I felt like screaming and running straight to Norristown State Hospital! But we all survived and lived to tell about it! Just for the record all my kids birthday parties will be an open door, buffet style so you can live whenever you feel like it. I promise!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Weekend Wrap Up

I would like to send a belated Happy 6th Birthday to my buddy, my nephew "Big E"! He had an awesome Karate party with pizza afterwards on Friday. All the kids loved it. You couldn't pay me enough to be that karate instructor putting up, I'm sorry, teaching 15 kids karate for an hour. My Dad came and believe it or not so did "The Witch". I guess it was because the party wasn't at any one's house so there was no need to be jealous. Any whooo "Big E' loved his present, Star Wars action figures and Camp Rock soundtrack. My sister said he hasn't stopped listening to it yet. What can I say I'm a good Aunt and I know what my nephew loves. That was our Friday night!

Saturday started out normal until we went to Home Depot and I decided to paint the kitchen. I needed color, the white walls are making me crazy! So I picked out this Golden Mustard color, it looked good on the little paper swatch but I'm still not too sure. I got 3 walls done during nap time and bed time. I would like you all to know I did it without taping the edges, I did it free hand, and I'm not bragging but it looks pretty darn good. I am still trying to decide if I like the tint of yellow. At some angles and in certain lighting the color looks great, but at other angles and brighter lighting the color is a little too yellow. I don't know if it is the color or if it is because I'm so used to it being white and everything else is white. I am thinking once I paint the living room and dining room the yellow kitchen might be Ok. We will see.

Today was a stay at home day. I transplanted 2 plants with help from the Little One. Painted some more of the kitchen. And did my Sunday chores. Other then that nothing much happened today.

It was a low key weekend but a good one! I have a very busy week ahead of me so the low keyed weekend was a needed.

Friday, June 27, 2008

NJ or bust...

Yesterday KC and I decided to go down to NJ and see her sister and kids and go swimming. We headed out at 10am only to get pulled over for speeding at 10:15am. Operation "Smooth Operator" was in full force and caught me doing 41 mph in a 25 mph zone. The thing is the officer keep saying he hates giving tickets and it really sucks but he had to give me one because the state was paying for "Smooth Operator". What ever pal you weren't going to ruin my day just my budget!
We got down there just in time for lunch and rain clouds. When the sun finally peeked through we all went down to the pool. It was freezing! Don't ever believe anyone who says "It's cold at first but warms up once you are in". The poor little one's feet and hands were blue, they were both shivering but neither one of them wanted to get out of the water. But eventually they got out and shared a snack.
The ride home was uneventful, no tickets, just chit chatting!
All in all it was a good day spent with good friends!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Self Improvement

Well last night I took the first step in helping myself become a better person, better wife, better mother, and a better friend. I started to see a therapist. Something I should have done years ago but I kept pushing it off thinking that I would get through it and be fine. I guess what turned me off was that I went to a support group monitored by a therapist right after my Mom died. It was horrible, so depressing and not very helpful. So I just pushed all my feelings down and kept going on with my life. But since then I have had a lot of life changing experiences and I really need to talk to someone who is an outsider and doesn't know my crazy family. I really need to learn how to relax and stop stressing on the little stuff. That will help me in many ways, especially my health. This poor lady doesn't know what she is in store for. I feel better already, I feel like just admitting that I need help took a ton of bricks off my shoulders.
So maybe in a couple of weeks I can change my site from Crazy Caucasian to Semi-Crazy Caucasian. Ha Ha!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Summer Read #2

I finished my second book of the summer, "The Other Woman" by Jane Green. It was a very good read, 389 pages. The Other Woman is the Mother-In-Law. All of us girls who are married can relate to this book. We all feel inadequate and feel that we aren't good enough for Mommy's Little Boy.

The main character Ellie's alcoholic Mother dies when she is 13 years old and her Dad remarried and disconnected himself. She has been looking for a close-knit family, something she never had. When she meet Dan that is exactly what she got and more. Linda (Dan's Mother) was too involved, had an opinion for everything and intruded in their lives in every possible way. Of course to make it a good book things got really bad and Ellie had to do a lot of self discovery before things could turn around.

One of my favorite parts of the book was the Epilogue. I hate finishing a book because I hate not knowing what happens to everyone. Well this book had an Epilogue or a character wrap up. I got to read exactly what happens to everyone. So I finished this book and I wasn't as sad.

So now on to book #3. I'll let you know how that one is.

Early Bird

The early bird doesn't necessarily catch the worm. My Little One has been waking up at 6am the past couple days again and I still haven't caught the worm. The only thing I am catching is exhaustion. When I get up earlier it doesn't get me motivated to start my day and get more things done. It's just the opposite I end up sitting around in my PJ's longer.

Let's hope for another 3+ hour nap today!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Scale vs. Compliment

I went to the gym today and the gym scale shows that I lost about 8 pounds. I don't believe it at all. I never believe scales whether I gain or lose weight scales are always wrong in my mind. But 8 pounds...I don't feel it, see it, or can't tell it by the way my clothes fit. It's not completely crazy since I did spend all last week in the bathroom with a GI bug/colitis thing.
Then I run into my friend's cousin. We were chatting and he says "you're looking like you are back in shape, looking good"! He is a nice guy and I don't want to call him a liar. So I guess I'll believe him and not the scale. I didn't tell him my secret was a colon cleansing!
So watch out I'm back, feeling good, apparently looking good and eating good! Pizza, chips, brownie and cookies for lunch! Yeah!

Morning Visitor

This morning I had a visitor for breakfast! The picture is a little blurry I was trying to take it without scaring the bunny and keeping 2 cats, 1 dog and my child inside. The baby bunny was right outside of my sliding door off the kitchen. He stayed for an hour or so then off he went. It was a great way to start the day! Thanks Bunny!

Oh, I would also like to point out our grass. Doesn't it look great!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

1 in 3 to go...

My Little One is getting her 2 year Molars. Ouch! The top left one broke through and the bottom left one is so close to breaking through. I feel so bad for her, the pain must be unbearable. Supposedly they say that an adult would not be able to tolerate the pain of getting teeth without major pain killers and poor little kids get to have Tylenol and Orajel! Whoopi-doo! Let's just hope that her molars come in fast, not just for her, but for Mommy and Daddy's sanity!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Oops! She did it again...

She went and done it again! My Dad's wife "The Witch" didn't show up to my sister's house yesterday for my Dad's Father's Day dinner. Supposedly she was too depressed because she still hasn't found a job so she stayed at home painting and cooking a Father's Day dinner for her son. I think she should just suck it up and smile. Hell, we all have to do it once in awhile. I can tell my Dad is tired of it and tired of making excuses. I wish he would just come to his senses and leave her. He doesn't need her, there is someone out there much better for him, I know it. I wrote her a letter about not coming to my house but now I have to revise it since now she is avoiding my sister's house too. I don't want to start trouble for my Dad but she deserves to know how I feel and where she stands with me. Most of all she is letting down 3 grandchildren who look for her and ask my Dad every time "Where's Nanny". I'M DONE WITH HER!

Oh I forgot to mention. While my Dad was with us "the witch" called him twice to get him home because her son was trying to get the treadmill out of the basement by himself. So my Dad had to hurry up and leave!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Unofficially Summer

I saw my first lightening bug of the year last night. To me that marks the unofficial start of summer. Just like seeing the first Robin marks the unofficial start of spring.
My fondest memory of lightening bugs goes way back to when I was just a little girl. I was staying on my Aunt's farm for the weekend. We caught a whole jar full of lightening bugs and I wanted to keep them in my room with me. Well they got out during the night and were flying all over the farm house. I laughed so hard at watching my Aunt running around trying to catch all the bugs that I peed myself on her steps.
I still like catching lightening bugs, but I found that it has gotten harder! Seriously, try it and find out for yourself.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bye Bye Buffett

Sadly since I will not be attending the Jimmy Buffett concert again this year I decided to change back to my old template. I am so bummed. I have been looking forward to this show since last year. I wasn't able to go last year because my little one just wasn't old enough for me to leave her all day with someone. And the year before I went and had a great time but I was pregnant so I couldn't have a really great time. So I was really looking forward to it this year.
Why aren't I going? Well I been having some stomach issues and the last place I want to be is at a concert were I will have to wait in a very long line to use a port-a-potty! Not going there. I haven't eaten since Sunday and it is suppose to be hot/humid 84 degrees on Saturday. Other reasons are my babysitter is also having stomach problems, she is taking care of her Mother who is bed ridden with sciatica pain and her high school friend's father died and his funeral is on Saturday. So I have lots of strikes not to go this year again.
Sorry, Jimmy I will miss you! Maybe next year!

"The weather is here, I wish you were beautiful"

Let There Be Light...

Thanks to the storm last night Dave and I sat in the dark from 7:30pm until 2:30am. When I was a little girl I loved when the power went out, probably because I didn't have cable TV, AC, or Internet so if the power went out it was just another night except I got to light all the candles. So what did we do? We sat on the front porch for about an hour watching the storm, then came in and sat on the couch and looked at each other. Then I came up with a wonderful idea of watching DVD's on the laptop. So we watched a couple episodes of Two in a Half Men until the battery died. That's when I decided to go to bed. Which wasn't a great idea. It was so hot even with the windows open, then the neighbor down the street had a generator running, the dog was panting because she was so worked up and hot, then the little one woke up at 2am and came in to bed with us. At one point I woke up and the little one was laying sideways with her feet in hubby's back and head in my ribs. So needless to say the hubby and I didn't have a good night sleep at all.
All because the power went out.
I guess I should count myself as one of the lucky ones because there are people who still don't have electricity. Hubby went to work and got sent home because the whole office was out, and my boss called to tell me that I can't work because our office is without power too. So it was a day off in the middle of the week.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

He's Back...

Look who is back the one and only, BUDDHA! Supposedly this blog is to chart his runs so he can see his progress so it is a healthy, runner's blog. I give it 2 weeks before he starts to blog about body functions again. But no matter what he writes it should be entertaining. So is there any one out there who wants to place a little bet on how long the blog stays a running journal?

Monday, June 9, 2008

My New Workout

I created a new workout for myself at the gym. I think I perfected it today. It is basically climbing a hill. I get on a treadmill, warm up for 2-3 minutes, then increase the incline every minute. Once I get to the incline of 8 I increase it every 2 minutes until I reach 10. That takes about 16 minutes. After 2 minutes at the incline of 10 I start to decline 1 every minute which takes 10 minutes. So by the time I'm at the bottom of my make believe hill I have already been walking for 26 minutes. Then I cool off until I do a total of 30 minutes and about 2 miles depending on the speed. I did it at 4.2mph and 4.0mph. I thought it was going to go by slow because of consistently watching the time but surprisingly it didn't. The best part is that walking hills targets your thighs and butt, and that's were I need the most help. So I figure if I do this every other day or when I don't do spinning I should be in good to go. Something different!

The Last Chapter

I hate when I get to the last chapter of a book. It is so sad to think the I'm almost done. I just finished a book last night. It was a book that I wasn't even planning on reading. I got it in the mail one day as a free gift from Steeple Hill publishers. I would have never bought it if I saw it in the book store but I figured I have nothing else to read so I might as well see how it is. Well, I was caught up in it immediately.
The book is called "A Mckaslin Homecoming" based in Montana. It is a wholesome heartwarming insprational romance. A 22 year old girl was taken away from her family by her mother when she was only 2 years old. As she grew up her mother told her she had no family and her father didn't want her. Turns out that her mother was lying to her, her whole life. The girl, Lauren's, long last grandmother contacted her and invited her home to meet her 3 older sisters, 1 one brother, and 2 step-sister's, her father and his new wife. She had a huge family that she didn't even know about. They all accepted her with open arms and loved her immediately, except her brother, Spence. Oh, of course she fell in love while she was there with a neighbor/family friend. Everything she had been looking for her whole life was right there in Montana.
It was such a good book. An easy read without too many details or main characters. And it was nice and short 240 pages. It was a nice weekend read!
Now thanks to my friend I have 4 more books to read! I'll let you know how they go.

Friday, June 6, 2008

What to do...

I have no idea what I feel like doing today. I know I should go to the gym but I just don't feel like it. So if I go I'm not going to get a good workout in because I really don't feel like being there. I like to go so Sweat Pea can go to daycare and play with other kids but is that a good enough reason to go?
Hubby asked me to go to Home Depot, my favorite store, NOT! I could do that this morning, wait until after nap time, or wait until he gets home from work and it will give us something to do after dinner.
It is just one of those days. I guess it because it has been such a long week or maybe because it is gloomy outside. I just don't have any umph! So if you have extra umph today please send it my way!
Happy Friday!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Yes, I have a Step-Monster. I don't even give her the satisfaction of calling her that or step-mother or anything except My Dad's Wife. Mostly because I'm a grown women and I don't need a mother figure. She calls herself our Bonus Mom. She is far from that. For me to even use the word "Mom" you have to deserve it and earn it. She doesn't deserve it or hasn't even come close to earning it. She is such a self-centered drama queen. I swear she lives on drama, if there wasn't drama in her life I think she would shrivel up and die.
I moved into my new house 5 months ago. She didn't even acknowledge it. She didn't even congratulate us, send us a card, call us, even ask how are we settling in, or offer to help or watch the little one to make it easier for us. Finally about 2 months ago I said something to my Dad about it. He came out and told me that she is jealous of my sister's and my success. Her son isn't able to pay his mortgage so he has to sell his condo and she can't come to my house because she will be a downer because she is so devastated over her son. Well as a parent you have to be able to suck it up and be happy for your husband's children. My Dad will do anything for her kids, he even give her son money to put down on the condo.
About a month ago my Dad and his wife stopped by. I was shocked. He must of dragged her here kicking and screaming. She didn't even say anything about the house, not one word, she didn't even ask for a tour. Ugghhh! They stayed for about 10 minutes then left. Fine who cares.
Then I had a Memorial Day BBQ I invited all of my hubby's family, my sister, Dad, and of course my Dad's wife and her kids. None of them showed up not even my Dad's wife! What a B*TCH! She sent my Dad down with pasta salad. I felt like driving to her house and throwing it in her face! How rude!
So now I have to worry that any holiday, birthday party or any family function I have at my house she won't come. Which is fine by me, but I feel so bad for my Dad. He deserves so much better. He deserves someone who will enjoy life just as much as he does.
I got an email from her daughter yesterday apologizing for not getting back to me earlier but she was up state that weekend visiting her Dad. That is fine. I wrote back saying that I hope she enjoyed her weekend with her Dad. Then I couldn't help myself I wrote "Your brother, Mother and you were all missed at my BBQ". I just couldn't help it I had to throw it a dig and let her know that her Mother didn't come. It made me feel a little better.

World Wide Wrestling

My little one is 18 months old, 24 pounds, and 32 inches tall. So she is average for her age. She is on an antibiotic for the first time in her short little life for a sinus infection. Let me tell you when it comes time to give her the medicine she does not seem so small, it is like wrestling a grown person on the kitchen floor. She is freakin' strong, even my co-worker called her a beast yesterday. She can wiggle out of any hold, push my hands away and use her legs as leverage on the floor all at once. She turns into the Hulk. I have all my windows opened and I'm afraid if any neighbor hears us or sees us wrestling on the floor they will call child protective services! The more she wrestles with me the more I laugh. So that means I'm getting weaker with laughter and she is getting stronger because she is getting pissed at me for laughing. Wish me luck, we have 16 doses left (2 times a day for 8 more days)!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tell Me Everything...

I swear I have a sign on my forehead that says "Tell Me Everything"! Why does everyone feel the need to tell me their secrets and innermost thoughts? Of course it always starts with "Please don't tell anyone" or "Please don't repeat this". I don't know what it is about me, maybe I just have a trusting face. Who knows but, geez I'm about to blow with everyone else's secrets. I even have my neighbors who I really don't know telling me things. I can't even write about what people tell me just in case someone comes across my blog. So when someone tells you "Please don't tell anyone" does that mean your husband of significant other too? Or is it a know fact that you will tell your other and the person who is telling you their deep secrets should know that? I just think it is so funny every time I go for a walk, or run into someone at the store I get gossip. I think my tombstone should say "I'm Going To Be Here For Awhile Tell Me Everything"!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Let there be Grass

Finally, after 5 months of living here we got raked and seeded today! Whoo-hoo! No more mud and dirt! Now let's hope that the grass will grow. I see a lot of water and sprinklers in my future! Hopefully I'll have better like than KC did with the sprinklers!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Can you see me now?

Ughhhhh! I went to the eye doctor tonight to get a quick contact lens check. Well quick it wasn't! 45 freakin' minutes! First the nurse or whatever she was took me back, then after waiting 20 minutes the doctor came in, and then I had to wait to order my lenses and pay. Finally I stood up and just blurted out "I have to go, I have been here for 45 minutes and I was told it was going to be a quick visit". I interrupted the receptionist helping another patient and was a complete b*itch! The thing is I really don't care. I'm so tired of waiting around being polite and not standing up for myself! So there eye doctor's office how do you like me now?!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Stomp Rocket

If you are looking for a gift for a child age 3 or older I highly recommend the Stomp Rocket! This toy entertained 3 boys (ages 5,4,3) and 4 grown man (ages 65,38,35) for 3 whole hours! It absolutely amazed me! It is a real simple toy you just put the nerf-like rocket on the one end, point it to where you want it to go, and "Stomp" on the plastic pillow-like thing at the other end. Believe it or not the rockets launch pretty high! You can get them at The Learning Express store or I'm sure on-line. Just a suggestion.
But be careful not to shoot the rocket up on the roof. My 5 year old nephew did that, then decided to climb out of my sister's window and on to the roof to retrieve the rocket. He got back in the house safely, bent the screen when he tried to put it back in the window, and got in A LOT of trouble!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Loooong Day

Whoo what a day! I should have known when the little Princess got up at 6:30am that it was going to be a very long day!
Then at 7:45am I notice my neighbor across the street run across the street to my other neighbors house who has newborn twins. I see her and the one baby outside on the porch (the other baby is still in the hospital), I think were is her husband, and then I see the neighbor who ran across the street go into her house. What the heck. All of a sudden here come fire trucks and police cars up the road into her driveway. At that point I tell my husband watch the girl I'm going to see if everything is ok. Here her carbon monoxide detectors were going off. Today was the first day her husband went back to work. The poor girl was a mess.
At 8:10am I am finally headed out to go to work knowing that I'm going to be 10 minutes late. To top off my morning my coffee was cold!
Wednesday's at the office are always exhausting for me because I'm trying to work and at the same time keep an eye on my Princess, who by the way is not a princess at work. She just isn't herself at the office, she is a totally different child then how she is at home. I guess she is just out of her norm, but by the time I get home on Wednesday nights I'm ready for bed! But the day doesn't end there. Wednesday nights my hubby plays golf so then I have to be a single Mom for the night after chasing after the Princess all day. Tonight wasn't too bad except that I'm fighting a cold or have really bad allergies. I haven't figured out what it is. I am leaning toward a cold since the little one just got over croup but I hate to admit that my immune system failed me again!
So that was my loooong day in a nut shell. Tomorrow should be a whole lot better since it is suppose to be sunny and warm. Plus I'll be working from home so someone will be in a better mood.
Oh by the way I spoke to my neighbor tonight and asked if her day got any better after the whole carbon monoxide scare. The builder came out to check the detectors and to see if it was just a bad wire, here they don't even have carbon monoxide detectors in their house it was their smoke detectors that were going off. Whoops!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Time to Prep

I decided to do a BBQ at my house on Sunday for Memorial Day so now it's time to stress and prep! I love having get togethers once they are happening, I hate the prep and the clean up. But it is worth it because you get to see all your friends and family without having to leave your house!
I just got back from the good old dollar store. I got the plates, napkins, cups and plastic ware. That part is done!
All that is left is grocery shopping, Costco shopping, and cooking/baking! No problem! I still have 2 more days plus Sunday morning!
The only problem is I haven't heard back from anyone yet!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I wish I was here...

Blue Skies
Palm Trees
White Sandy Beaches
Clear Warm Water

What else could you ask for?

"The Weather is Here, I Wish You Were Beautiful" - Jimmy Buffett

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Snot Every Where

My little Sweet Pea has croup! Yuck! It is probably the sickest she has been since she was born. I feel so bad the poor little girl. She has snot every where. When she sneezes she coughs at the same time and snot is every where, coming out her nose and out of her mouth. I feel like I have snot all over me. That's all I did today was wipe snot. She is even vomiting snot. Did I mention there is snot every where! Gross!

On a happy note she had her 18 month check up today. She is weighing in at 24 pounds which is in the 50th percentile. She is also 50% in height at 31 1/4". The doctor said she wasn't even going to talk to me about developmental stuff because she is obviously ahead for her age! I'm so proud of her!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Date Night

So hubby and I went on a date on Friday night. It was wonderful. I can't tell you the last time just the two of us went out. Since having our daughter we haven't gone out by ourselves a lot or at all. I love being a mom and spending time as a family but I forgot how much fun it is to be the two of us. Let me tell you hubby was the perfect gentlemen opening doors and complimenting me. It actually felt like were dating again. We went out to dinner at our friend's restaurant. Fabulous! We shared calamari appetizer, then I got the lump crab meat and shrimp Alfredo pasta, and finished it off with some kind of cappuccino hazelnut chocolate cake! We got home just in time to kiss our little one good night. Then we crashed on the couch feeling very uncomfortable. It was probably the most I ate in one sitting for months. It was the perfect start to the weekend. I can't wait for our next date night!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Strike 3

Well my Remicade treatment didn't go too well yesterday. I had another reaction. So now I have 8 weeks to decide what to do. The doctor said she would be willing to try it one more time this time having the IV drip really slow. I have the reaction 30 minutes into the treatment, then they stop it and dose me with fluids and steroids, and start it up again and I'm fine. So we just have to find a way to get me past the 30 minute mark. So do I give it one more try or do I try a different treatment? The other treatment my doctor is thinking about is Humira. I would have to give myself injections every other week. Which is no big deal, that doesn't bother me a bit. But how do I know that will work as well as the Remicade. The Remicade isn't only helping the rheumatoid arthritis it is helping my ulcerative colitis. The Humira is suppose to help both too. Ughh I hate making decisions. On one hand the Humira sounds great because it will be a 15 second injection at home instead of a 4 hour infusion at the doctor's office. Plus the nurses won't have to worry about me coming in. I know it isn't my fault but I feel so bad that I put the two nurses through my reactions. I'm sure it isn't a bright spot in their day and I don't want them to see my name of the schedule and think Oh Great Trouble Patient is coming in. Believe me you do think that about certain patients, not in a mean way but in a pitiful way. But I know how the Remicade works and how great I feel after I get it. Should I just give it one more try? Or throw in the towel?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Baby Blues

Last night at 11:27pm I heard the local train rolling through town blowing it's horn. It is about 3 miles from my house but on a silent night I can hear it as clear as a bell. The theme from Disney's Choo Choo Soul came immediately to my head. "Chug-a-Chug-a-Choo, Chug-a-chug-a-Ahhh; Chug-a-Chug-a-Chooo, Chug-a-chug-a-Ahhh; All aboard the Choo Choo Train, All aboard the Choo Choo Train, All aboard the Choo Choo Train; All aboard, All aboard; CHOO CHOO" After that I couldn't fall asleep I just laid there trying to get comfortable then the thoughts came in to my mind.
My friend had a baby on Sunday, yeah. I am happy for her and I know she will be fine. But I guess I'm not as happy for her as I should be. She confessed to me that she was having a baby more for her husband and that right now it was the best time. She said she didn't know if she was ready or ever will be ready to have kids. Then I start think how unfair life is and how it really just screws with you. You see I have this other friend who would give up a body part to have a baby. She had a miscarriage earlier this year and now is stressfully trying to get pregnant again. I know it is going to happen for them and I know when it does it will be the happiest time ever, but why couldn't that have been her having a baby on Sunday instead of my other friend. Does this sound horrible? Am I a horrible friend?
Like I said I know it is going to happen for my other friend and when it does maybe I'll forget that I even felt this way.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Cycling Program #1

For those of you interested I finished my first cycling program. Check it out. Again if you have any songs suggestions let me know.

Warm Up - Just a Ride - Jem
Leg drills - Some Days You Gotta Dance - Dixie Chicks
Rolling Hills - Stop and Stare - One Republic
Running Up/Downs - I Run For Life - Melissa Etheridge
Long Steep Hill - Highway to Hell - AC/DC
Sprints - Somebody Told Me- The Killers
Pyramid Climbs - I Don't Want to Be in Love - Good Charlotte
Small Hill - Our Song - Taylor Swift
Long Hill - Keep Holding On - Avril Lavigne
Team Sprints - Foot Loose - Kenny Loggins (you have to have a fun song for team sprints)
Cool Down - Over the Rainbow/Beautiful World - Reggae Version

So what do you think? Could you do it?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all you Mom's out there!

I had a great 2nd Mother's Day or weekend. It started on Friday night when my husband went to blockbuster and got all chick flicks. He choose for my weekend 27 Dresses (cute movie, I can see myself watching it again), Juno (great movie but not as good as all the hype made it out to be), and P.S. I Love You (we haven't watched that one yet). Saturday we took my mother-in-law and sister-in-law out for Mother's Day dinner. We had a good time and our daughter finally sat through a 1 1/2 meal without getting antsy. Then again it was a buffet so she didn't have to wait for food. She gets very impatient when she is hungry. Then on Sunday I got to sleep in, hubby got up with the little one, and then made me breakfast. Then off I went to spend some long over due quality time with my sister. She is a Mom of 2 boys (5 yr old and 3 yr old). We went to get pedicures and manicures. It was wonderful! I have to do that more often. I love getting pampered. Afterwards we went to Rita's and just talked a bit more. For dinner we made big juicy cheeseburgers on the grill. To end a wonderful weekend the Flyer's are playing game 2 in Pitt, and Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters are on too. I'm going to sit back watch them all and have a big piece of Apple Cinnamon Cream Cake!

Friday, May 9, 2008

I need my juice...

I am a 33 year old who on certain days feels like a 93 year old. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis this past year. My doctor said that I was too young to be in so much pain and she wanted to treat it aggressively. She started me on Remicade Infusions that I get every 8 weeks at the medical office. I don't mind the 3 hours that I have to sit there and do nothing while I get the infusion because of the results I get from the medicine. This stuff is amazing, it is my juice, my cocktail, my pain free life. Up until now the 7th week. This is the week I start getting pain again. I start feeling every move I make. I start waking up in the morning and I'm afraid to move because I know it is going to hurt but I don't know how much. This is when all housework stops until my next treatment. Daily activities become hard to do. My doctor suggested that we might have to move the treatment to every 6 or 7 weeks. She said since I'm young and my metabolism is still running strong that it pushes the medicine through my body to quickly. I am fine with this like I said before this is my pain free life. But that plan has been put on hold because I have been having trouble with the past 2 treatments. I have been experiencing allergic reactions. The reactions are horrible I start feeling hot, dizzy, then it gets difficult to breath and my chest gets tight. After stopping the infusion and pumping me up with steroids, benadryl and liquids I can usually start up the treatment again and finish it with no more problems. Well my doctor is giving me one more go at it. If I get any reactions at my next treatment, which is next week, she is stopping it for good and finding something else for me. I don't want to start something else what if it doesn't work as well. So cross your fingers for me, since it hurts too much for me to cross my own, that this next treatment goes smoothly! This time next Friday I will be feeling great and my house will be as clean as ever!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Wonderful Surprise

Today I got a nice surprise! The realtor for our development kept telling us that she has a house warming present for us. After 3 months I figured she just forgot. No biggie. Well today I got the present it was a hand sketched pencil drawing of our house that is matted and framed. Every little detail is on the sketch. It is absolutely beautiful! Now I have to find the perfect place to hang it! What a wonderful surprise!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wild Life

I love seeing animals in their natural setting. I grow up on 3 acres surrounded by 3 farms. We had a lot of wild life running through our yard. We had everything; raccoons, groundhogs, fox, hawks nest, we even had an albino deer among a ton of regular deer. It was great growing up and seeing something new everyday. It was great knowing that every night at 7pm the two fox will cross through the back and not too far behind them was a herd of deer. So when I got married and moved to a townhouse development I missed the wild life. I missed waking up to the birds and going to bed with the crickets. Now that I moved back in to more of a somewhat country setting I'm starting to see wild life again. Just in the past 3 months I have seen a hawk (flying very low so I'm thinking a nest can't be too far away) and plenty of other birds, a fox, and just the other night 3 deer right in our back yard! How exciting!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Nothing Much

I really don't have much to say. I don't know if I'm suffering from writer's block already or what. The weekend was great and I'm sure there are plenty of stories to write about but I really just don't feel like it.
One thing I'm thinking about is how long do you send birthday cards to your friends children? Do you keep sending them every year even if they never send your child one? What if you didn't talk to your "friends" for about a year? Do you still send their child a card? I don't know what to do. I love sending cards because who doesn't like to get a nice card in the mail especially kids they love to get mail! I hate to be one of those people who don't do it anymore because they or their kids don't get one back in return, but I think I'm turning into one.

Friday, May 2, 2008


Is there anyone who watches this show that isn't "LOST"! I have such a love-hate relationship with this show. As soon as I think I know what is going on BAM a twist is thrown in. Every week I say I'm not watching it anymore because I'm tired of trying to figure it out. But there I am every Thursday glued to the TV getting more and more confused. At first I loved the flash forwards but now I don't know if I do. How far ahead are they going? One episode it seems like it is just a few years then the next episode it seems like it is just a few months. What's up with the time period stuff too? There are some many quesitons that need to be answered. I hope in the end it isn't a dream that someone is having like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. I heard that is how it is going to end from a couple of different people. I would be so pissed if I wasted all these years watching this show to find out it is all a dream! Ugghhhh! I hate this show!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I'm watching my 3 year old nephew today. I was suppose to work from home today but I called in sick an hour after he was dropped off. I think my daughter will be an only child after today. 2 kids are a lot of work. I couldn't imagine what John and Kate go through. You know the couple with a set of twins and a set of sextuplets. Could you imagine 8 kids all under the age of 6 years old. Geez! I'm just proud of myself that I got both down for a nap. So far it is going on 2 hours. Plus I have contractors upstairs putting in lights and fans so it is noisey up there. Whoop my nephew just got up he looks like he still could sleep for another hour or two. Well that is all for to play.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sing, Sing a Song...

I finished my training for indoor cycling now all I have to do is get a program together a 45 minute program. I have most of the program done I just need songs now. I have a feeling iTunes is going to be my new best friend. I need some suggestions of songs that will motivate people, songs that you might work out to, songs that make you happy, or just make you want to get up and go. I need fast songs, slow songs, fast-slow songs anything you can gave me. So feel free to leave me a few of your favorite songs! I would really appreciate it!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuesday Chore

Every Tuesday I do the chore I hate the most...Grocery Shopping! I would rather stay home and scrub the toilets. I hate grocery shopping with a passion. You have to do 3 chores in 1. First clean out the fridge to be able to fit the new stuff, second go to the store and shop, third come home and put away all the food. Do all this with the help of a 1 1/2 year old! Believe it or not she does make it more enjoyable, more time consuming, but more enjoyable. Except for when the little old ladies start talking to her and sharing all of their fondest memories of their grandchildren. All I can do is stand there, shake my head and smile!
Today my little one decided to add another chore to my shopping trip. As I was unpacking the groceries putting things anyway in the pantry she decided to play with the spices, the garlic powder to be exact. She proceeds to open it and pour it all over the pantry floor! So I had to clear everything off the pantry floor and vacuum it all up. Now my whole downstairs smells like an Italian Restaurant!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pants on, Pants off

My sister called me hysterically laughing last night. She was shopping with her family, husband and two boys (6 year old, 2 year old). Her 6 year old decided to pull down the pants on all the mannequins, even the ones in the front window! Another shopper saw what he did as she was leaving she just smiled at him and said "I saw what you did". My sister had no idea what the lady was talking about. Then she realized what my nephew did. My poor nephew was so embarassed he started to cry, then he got mad at my sister because she was laughing so hard she wasn't able to console him. So not only do kids say the darnest things, they do the darnest things!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I Want To Ride My Bicycle

Tomorrow I am going to take the first step towards reaching a personal goal of mine. Ever since I was 12 years old I wanted to be a physical therapist or personal trainer. Of course life got in the way of this goal a few times. I haven't strayed too far from my goals I have been working as a medical assistant/clinical research coordinator for a family doctor for the past 10 years now. I like my job mostly because I get to help people reach their health goals or understand certain medical conditions better. So tomorrow I am taking a indoor cycling (spinning) workshop to became a trainer. I'm excited but a little nervous too. I think I would be better one on one trainer but this is a step in the right direction. I'm a little nervous about training 15 people at one time. I'm the kind of person that is shy in a group setting, but one on one I could talk your ear off. I motivate people through my actions not through cheerleading. That is what I'm most concerned about what if I can't motivate 15 people because I'm not a "Whoo Whoo You Can Do It" type of person"? We will see how tomorrow goes. I'll keep you posted on my progress!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Driveway Update

I was just outside and the paving guy came up to me and apologized for not getting to our driveway. I said "that's fine", I should have said "you better be sorry I was here first", he said "you'll be done by tuesday", I said "that's fine", I should have said "no get your guys who are up doing other driveways down here and do mine". But I didn't say either of these things and our driveway is still a bunch of rocks.
Then he went to my neighbors, no one answered the door. He yells over to me "do you know when they will be home?", I said "no". He said "well their car was here earlier" I said "yes I know but maybe they went out". So he continues on to the next neighbor's house, no one answers. He yells over to me again "do you know if she is home", I said "I don't know, she should be home". I should have said "what am I the neighborhood keeper"!
Yep and this is the guy who is going to pave my driveway!

I was here first...

Ok I'm going to sound like a 4 year old right now but I don't care. I just moved into a new development this past December. With it being cold in Decmeber the developer couldn't pave our driveway or rake/seed our yard. That was fine by me I rather wait and have it done in the warm weather I didn't want to chance it getting ruined or dying with the cold weather. Anyway now that the weather is breaking I am seeing the pavers and landscapers around but they aren't doing my house, they are doing everyone else's house. Come on...are you kidding me I was here first I have been here since December, John Doe's house you are working on just moved in last month! What made it worse was the other day, April 22nd to be exact, they were planting trees in the neighborhood. I thought to myself oh how perfect I'm going to get 2 trees for Earth Day! But no they ran out of trees when they got to my house! Seriously! It's not like we are the last house on the road we have 5 house down the street from us. Ugghhhh I'm so annoyed I just want everything done. My poor daughter and dog have been playing in the rocky driveway and dirt yard for months now.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Beautiful Day

I love spring time! It is already a beautiful day out. It is 9am and 64 degrees all sun not a cloud in the sky, by lunch it is suppose to be in the 70's and by 3pm it is suppose to be 80 degrees! I already have all my windows open and getting the fresh air inside. I work from home so it makes it easier for me to enjoy days like this. The only problem is my walking buddy is out of town!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

My husband and I just moved into a new development in December. Now that it is getting nice outside (mid 70's) we are starting to meet our new neighbors. It is very exciting. So far everyone seems really nice. I hope when I meet people I'm not coming off to strong though. I don't want to say too little and seem like I don't want anything to do with them but on the other hand I don't want to say too much and have people walking away saying "let's say away from her". Ahhhh the stress of meeting new people!

What's in a name...

So you are probably wondering why do I call myself "Crazy Caucasian"? I am a very outgoing person. I like being around people and just enjoying life. Plenty of people have told me I was "crazy". My one friend and old neighbor nick named me "crazy". I can't help it when I am having fun I tend to get a little I guess "Crazy"! Don't get me wrong I'm not annoyingly crazy, at least I don't think so.
Caucasian comes from me well...being your average Caucasian. Blond hair, blue eyes and fair skin.
I married outside my race, I married an Asian. I don't know if it is culture or just his family but they are not a huggable bunch. The way I was raised you hug and kiss to say "hi" and you hug and kiss when you say "bye". Even if you see the person everyday. I'm not talking about just your husband, I'm talking about your parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, etc.. Any way the first couple of times I met my husband's extended family I walked in to the house and go to hug them. You should have seen the fear in their eyes, how stiff their bodies became and as I got closer to them I could see in their eyes what were they comes that "CRAZY CAUCASIAN"! So that's how I came up with my name.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Heads or Tails

Trying to figure out if you are the crazy person and everyone else is normal is like flipping a coin. Heads-I am Crazy; Tails-I am Normal. That is how I have been feeling lately.

Let me try to explain. Every night I go to bed exhausted but as soon as my head hits the pillow BAM I'm wide awake and then my head starts filling up with all kinds of things. Things that make me lay awake and think or cry or just gets me down right pissed. So I thought to myself it is time to start a blog again. Time to start writing down all these thoughts to get them out of my head and hopefully be able to lay down and fall asleep at night!

Most of my thoughts are of my Mom. I lost my Mom to cancer 7 1/2 years ago. We had a wonderful relationship and I miss her terribly. I go to bed every night asking my Mom to come to me in my dreams. I just need to hear her, see her, hug her one more time. She died so young she was only 52 years old. My thoughts are usually sorrow and sadness for her missing so much of her life. She missed seeing me get married, she missed the birth of 3 grandchildren and all the birthdays. But lately I'm feeling anger towards her. I have been thinking how dare she leave us. Yes she did all she could, 2 years of chemo and surgery, and I love her for that but did she do enough? Why didn't she go to the doctors when she first started symptoms? Why did she ignore it? Didn't she love us enough to go and get it checked out? Was she too busy? Was she scared? Or was she telling me the truth when she said she just thought it was stress from helping plan my sisters wedding? I know anger is part of the mourning process but can you still be going through the mourning process after almost 8 years? Am I the only one that is taking this long getting over losing a loved one?